Lionel Shaw
President & Founder
Lionel is board member at Alta Plaza Preschool in SF, Creative Growth Art Center in Oakland, past treasurer of Pets Unlimited, and is active in alumni work for Town School for Boys, Occidental College, and Claremont Graduate School.

Steve Talan
Steve is a northern California native, spending his formative years in the Golden State, and graduating from U.C. Davis with a B.A. degree in Political Science.

Marc Spencer
Marc is CEO of Summer Search, a national nonprofit which provides mentoring support for youth who desire a college education but find it difficult to get there due to difficult circumstances beyond their control. Marc has extensive nonprofit experience, having recently moved on from his post as CEO of JUMA Ventures in San Francisco. 

Veronica Rubio
Veronica is a CFP and Financial Advisor working at Charles Schwab. She is passionate about supporting charities in the areas of Health, particularly those involving cancer and terminal illnesses. She herself is a cancer survivor, and is grateful to have to opportunity to encourage and assist those who have gone through the pain and struggles she has endured.

Tom Shepard
Tom is a long-time resident of the Bay Area, currently residing in Mill Valley, CA, and is a one-time ski resort executiv